We had a great long weekend. Lots of training for upcoming races and plenty of cultural events. Trent got a new job which is just perfect for him right now, I have fallen in love with a dog who could be ours (sorry Penney, you will always be my number one), and we saw giant hippie puppets!
A recap;
Our awesome concert Friday night. We took off right after work and after a quick dinner at Taco Bell (Which I was so excited about, Chapel Hill doesn't have one, and we used to go ALL the time in CA), we made it to the venue around 6pm. We snagged a great spot for our blanket and enjoyed beautiful location, right on a lake. I especially enjoyed all the fantastic people watching. We definitely weren't in Chapel Hill anymore. And Southerners have some crazy ideas about what to wear to a concert. Good times. Ozomatli was awesome, people seemed crazy about Slightly Stoopid although we were a bit less impressed, but G. Love and the Special Sauce was SO fantastic. We had a great time.
Our feet-sies and the venue.

Before the show started.

During the show. As you can tell, I was very excited about the whole thing.
Saturday, Trent got up early to go coach crew and I puttered around the house. I made yummy omelettes for breakfast (Thanks Dad.. I still make them exactly like you taught me.. golden brown!). Trent got to lathing and I hit the road for a long run. I did 8 miles in an hour.. go me! Got home and bio friend Buddy came over for a chat and to drop off his student ID for Trent. We munched on fresh mango.. yummers. I made a quick dash to the library to stock up on good books to read, while Trent took a nap.
We needed Buddy's ID so Trent could get into the season opening Carolina vs. James Madison University football game. I love being in a college town. Especially one that is so proud of its university. The place was PACKED, and we aren't even that good at football. We sat up above the crazy student section, but were surrounded by these "good old Southern boy" coaches who knew all the players and statistics and definitely improved our appreciation of the game. And we won 37-7!! I don't think JMU is in our division, but it still was a great boost for our team after a pretty pathetic season last year, and a great bode of confidence for our new coach. Go Heels!!

The Marching Tar Heels

We are practically bleeding Carolina Blue, no?
Sunday, we got some much needed sleep. It was a gorgeous, cool, day, perfect for our bike ride. We did about 20 miles and were impressed as always with the huge turnout of folks riding. Definitely a bicycling community. Nice ride, I need to start doing a lot more of those before my upcoming race.
Then we headed for a little retail therapy. First, lunch where Trent had to show me some epic nachos he had previously enjoyed at the Carolina Ale House. They were pretty impressive.

He was thrilled. And yes, that is cottage cheese on them. We are a long way from California...
Completely stuffed, we cruised over to Sam's Club (yes, we are broke students) for some bulk essentials, when all the sudden Trent wandered over and told me they had Joe's Jeans. I thought he was kidding.. but no. For $70!!! This sounds silly to most folks, except maybe Emily, but I was excited enough that I was willing to try them on in the Furniture aisle (luckily I had a skirt on) and came home with some brand new awesome jeans. So exciting. Anyone need a new pair? Just let me know!
Got home, tried to go swimming, but the pool was closed. Darn. Went on a quick run instead, about 5 miles. Tired legs!!
Deirdre came over around 6:30 and we headed to the little theater in the forest by our house to see "A Shoe for Your Foot" put on by the PuppetHand Puppet Intervention. Super hippie, but really fun. I went last year by myself and wanted to share it with friends this year. We had a delicious picnic and boo'ed and cheered with the packed crowd. Very fun times.

We got home and I read while Trent studied PhotoShop and DreamWeaver. Exciting news!! He got a new job!! A full time, full benefits, awesome University job. He is the Assistant Program Coordinator for the honors program. Basically, he coordinates scholarships, does public relations and marketing, and gets to interact with students. Which is perfect. And it is only 30 hours a week, quite flexible, which will be great for his coaching gig. And, even better, he gets to take one free course from the University each semester. He already has it planned out. He wants to start taking coursework towards his master's of public health, and is planning on volunteering with the Red Cross. Really great news.
This morning was pretty slow, went on another long run, this time 7 miles in about an hour. We made yummy smoothies in our awesome blender and then headed out to do a little "house-perusing." Not "hunting" by any means.. just seeing what is out there that we could afford. I think since Chapel Hill is a temporary location we are probably just going to rent. But we are thinking of moving into something bigger, especially with Trent's growing wood turning company and the arrival of Bijou, a dog Buddy is fostering who I have completely fallen in love with. We went to visit with her today.. and I am so mad I didn't take pictures. She is beautiful, and a total sweetheart. I just hope Buddy doesn't mind fostering her for a little while longer.. we aren't ready to leave the cottage immediately.
Did a little grocery shopping at Weaver Street before coming home and going to the pool. Did about 1600 meters, but I was pretty spent from all the activities. Came home and Trent lathed while I made a huge pot of spaghetti, which hit the spot. Off to bed.
It was a great weekend, I forced myself not to go into work and to enjoy my weekend. I am really proud of us, trying all the different opportunities Chapel Hill has to offer. We won't stay here, for many reasons, once I graduate, but I think we will always remember our time here fondly, and I am really happy that we ventured out and tried something new. Hope you all had a lovely weekend, especially the folks in SLO. Sorry this was SO long!!