Tuesday, January 23, 2007

All about me. Kinda

I've been tagged by Sara to tell my blogging audience 5 things no one would know about me. This is difficult as most people who are reading this blog share most of my chromosomes, but I will give it a shot:

Nevermind- I sat thinking for 20 minutes and couldn't really come up with anything my family didn't know. And I need to get to studying. So here are five random factoids, with pictures!

1. I think ferns are the most perfect plant, molecular awesomeness to sheer charm. I love them. This is a photo of the lycopodia I studied in Costa Rica.

2. My freshman year of college I decided I couldn't cut it in science and pursued a degree in political science. I soon realized I couldn't handle not knowing WHO exactly started the decline of Mayan civilization, and learned that signal transduction pathways and their beautiful drawn notes (see #4) are my friend. Also I tend to get emotional in political arguments. Here is a picture with Mr. Jackson at the Hermitage discussing the state of the nation.

3. I once did a 200 mile bike ride in one day with my Bubs on a tandem because he called me three days before and said it was free. I couldn't stand the thought of him thinking I couldn't handle it. It was an incredible, and painful, experience. I feel this must say a lot about my character.

4. I maybe reverse colorblind. If I take a page of notes in black ink, I get nothing from it. If I take notes with my awesome four color pen, suddenly it all makes sense. Red's are kinases, greens are phosphatases, for example. Haley knows the glory of the four color pen, and my absolute addiction to it.

5. I love everything about the ocean. From the yummy creatures in it to eat, to long walks on the beach, to kelp (my second favorite plant), to surfing and sailing, I dream of one day living next to the ocean and going swimming in it everyday.


  1. Anonymous7:20 PM

    # 4 and 5 are my favorites! All I have to say is...how did those Davis housing peeps know we'd be perfect for eachother!?
    P.S. I have spread the word of the 4 color pen, and I have found believers in the Pacific Northwest...amen! ;-)

  2. cool random facts!

    i also love ferns, i remember being fascinated by the seed things on the back of them when i was a little kid. and that is so funny that you did the ride to impress him, ahh the lengths we will go to :)
