Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Yesterdays highs and lows

Yesterday was full of ups and downs. Just thought I would share a few.

Up: Really excited to give blood.
Down: She nicked the vein and I have a huge hematoma on my arm and it is very sore. Not cool.

Up: Went and got my hair cut short and lighter for Mexico. Looks cute, I think.
Down: Took forever (Aveda Institute, so all the stylists are still learning), got locked out of lab, kinda wish it was shorter and lighter, but oh well.

Up: Trent felt sorry for me and let me sit on the sofa eating mac and cheese and finishing the Christmas cards and packing up all the presents, while he cleaned and arranged the guest room.
Down: We have a lot of cleaning still to do and I got sucked into watching America's Biggest Loser finale and got way too emotionally into it.

Just a recap, thanks for listening to me complain :)

1 comment:

  1. Please don't worry about cleaning up for us! We've both seen each other's homes in disarray before. Go on vacation, relax!
