Introducing my friend Chester to Emily while hiking in Point Reyes!
Usually I turn into a pretty darn useless pile of goo when Trent is out of town. But I was determined this weekend, while he was off coaching his crew kids at a race in Tennessee, that I would not let this happen.
And I am pleased to report.. Success! I definitely did miss him, but oh goodness, did I get a lot done. All thanks to a trusty list, written in bright red Sharpie, which is oh-so satisfying to cross off. Por ejemplo:
1. Oil change/get gas. Done. Although I was panicking that a family of chipmunks had taken up residence in my car hood. I feared I was baking Mama Chip the entire way to the shop, but they assured me that no one had taken residence.
2. Write letters. Love it, so fun to catch up with old friends and family by snail mail.
3. Send planning Thanksgiving email. Should be another epic event, but perhaps a few less people than last year.. just for our sanity!
4. Work on painting. Huge 1.5'x 8' panel I am painting for over our bed, as a pseudo-headboard. I have it primed and ready to go, still have to do the actually art part.. but I have a good idea of what I am going for.
5. Brunch at Deirdre's house. It was awesome. Tons of good food, including my cranberry orange bread and a great reason to try out my new "dress straight out of the JCrew catalogue" outfit. Dress, sweater, ribbon belt, bright heels.
6. Make earrings. My latest hobby, so fun and cheap!
7. Pay rent, car insurance, AAA membership, etc. Not so fun, but done!
8. Email pictures from California trip. Finally. I am so bad at doing this.
9. Fix red bike. Trent is not the only bike mechanic in the house.
10. Finish paper review. Not quite done.. pretty hard to actually criticize people's hard work. But good practice and hope I impress the boss.
11. Plan journal club presentation. My first of my official lab process. Here we go!
12. Send back shoes and send Emily's birthday box. So late, so sorry Emily!!
All done, feel quite successful! Also did a bit of running, although next weekend is the marathon, so I am on my taper. Had an EXCELLENT night out with Deirdre, dinner at her house, then off to see Scissors for Lefty! They were fantastic. And we got to hang out "backstage" with them afterwards. Left halfway through Juliette and the Licks, although she was pretty awesome, and went to a fancy SF-style bar for hibiscus petal and lemongrass cocktails. Delicious. I am lucky to have a friend like Deirdre!! Otherwise, cleaned house (man, I love this vacuum), made cranberry orange bread for the neighbors, such and such.
But man, I am SO excited to pick up my sweetie in a little bit and hear all about his awesome crew racing weekend.
Hope you had great weekends as well!
Your b-day present will be late too. I think I'll buy you some treats in Paris if you don't mind :)
umm, nope. i guess that will be fine. yayyyyyy! how exciting. when do you leave? so jealous!
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