Friday, August 18, 2006

Update: a bit of a childish rant

Oh my goodness. See.. I've moved, and I've started a new job, and I've started school... but I have NEVER had the pleasure of doing all three at the exact same time. Wow. It is intense!! And it is further made fun by the fact that I sent my passport (why would I need that any time soon?) and SS card by MEDIA MAIL!!! I had to use my UCDavis diploma to get a new driver's licence! And I am pretty sure the post office isn't sending my mail here so I cannot prove residency yet. Awesome. Oh and the health department thinks I never got my infant diptheria and tetnus shots. Umm, pretty sure I did...

I miss freshman year of Davis. I am hard pressed to think of a happier year in my life. I met the love of my life, both Trent and plant biology (hehe), I got to live in a tiny little room with the bestest girl friend you could ever ask for, and everything magically seemed to fall into place. They helped me register, find my textbooks, find my classes, provided a place for me to live and eat, and even gave me furniture. I didn't have to do a thing! And, I admit ashamedly, I was kind of expecting a bit of the same treatment here. Not with the housing, I love our tiny home and am very glad we aren't doing on campus, but maybe with some of the other stuff. I still want my campus tour! I want to go to a football rally with my homies from the dorms. I hate all this grownup nonsense. Yesterday was our orientation. I was thrilled (I even finally bought a denim pencil skirt just for the occasion, the option from Gap, Sara, and I love it!). It was a pleasant event, ran into some friends from the interview process and then bam.. your done. No tours, rallys, nada. They did give us a commuter mug. Argh.

Today I have TA training, although I STILL haven't heard from the prof I am working with. Maybe I will go hunt him down. I did manage to start a new checking account and filled out all my grad school forms (except the ones that required a passport/ssn card, but I have a darling HR advisor who is completely understanding and patient with my bumblings), and am going swimming in the lovely outdoor pool afterwards. Tonight there is a new graduate student social, for all grad students, not just our department. My fellow MCDB'ers kind of looked down on it, but I think I might just go.. I need a little more planned social activities! Monday we have our officical MCDB orientation which will be great to hear, and I get to pick my class(es) for the semester. Oh and I bought a coffee table from a lovely woman at a REAL store, not craigslist. I am starting to feel just a bit grown up I guess?

Ok, online assistance: I love the coffee table, about 2.5' wide and 4' long. Dark wood with stain but you can still see the grain. No real embellishments. I will try to post a pic soon. So it is DYING for a fabulous rug. Any recommendations? I would like it to be a bit bigger than the table, nice colors or pattern, and under $100. Go crazy on it! Thanks

Freshman are moving into the dorms with their nervous parents patiently carrying bags of Target goodies and loading money onto their reg cards to ensure they eat (jealous!). I want to grab one of them and tell them "Do you have any idea how lucky you are to be starting out?" And I should probably tell myself the same thing.. especially cuz mine is being paid for :)


Sara said...

hang tight, things will get easier! I found the best way to make friends was in classes and in the lab, I have 3 great friends from Santa Barbara, we were in the same classes and basically spent every night from dinner to 1am for two years together doing homework (ok, so maybe its not all fun and games :). Things will pick up once school gets started.
i also highly recommend stitch n bitch as a fun way to meet friends of the female type (in case you are lacking them in lab, though i think your field is a bit more balanced).

MissScientistSF said...

Thanks for the advice, I knew you'd have some good words for me. I am doing better, just had my TA training and very excited to teach. Just a whooooole lot going on at the same time!

Sara said...

yeah, i know what you mean though, it is so different to start grad school than undergrad and it feels like you should get all the same treatment and help! and i even went to a tiny tiny undergrad so it was a big shock.
will you be joining a lab right away or doing a rotation? many labs are also like little families, as you probably know from your work in San Fran.
you have to tell me how the teaching is, I never did any at SB, and I have been excused from it so far here, but i will probably have ot start next year, in French! eek. I'm goign to be that TA everyone hates because they cant understand what they are saying :)

MrsEm said...

I like this morrocan rug or this crewel rug.

Anonymous said...

Good luck, your life seems interesting!

Peace and Love!

Dominic Ebacher

Anonymous said...

t's such a great site. cool, acutely fascinating!!!


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