Monday, March 28, 2011


Friday night: Watching basketball... first at Alyse and Matt's house before rallying for a walk downtown to watch the Kentucky vs. Ohio State game with lots of friends. Well, really we sorta watched the game while telling funny family stories (my favorite, I love my family) and getting excited for a friend who is moving back to Carrboro after being a traveling nurse for a while.

Saturday: I headed out to Durham to run with Joel and Rebecca (and Eaden) and a few of their friends. I wasn't dying to run so soon, but I really wanted to see these friends. Luckily it was only a 3 mile loop (we did one and half and then walked the rest of the second loop). I was tired! Great to see everyone and catch up.

Back home to find Trent working hard. It was our semi-annual yard working bonanza day. He borrowed his friend Adam's truck and we managed to haul in two loads of mulch and two loads of dirt throughout the day. First lawn-mowing of the year, spreading hay on the lawn (to help with muddy spots that Pilot loves to bring inside), lots of cutting stuff back, re-organizing and cleaning the shed, getting the raised beds ready for the seedlings I am growing inside the house. We worked hard for about 5 hours... I was very impressed with us. Good thing our garden store is just up the street, they knew us by name at the end of the day.

Showered and exhausted, but we managed to head out to a massive returning/exchanging shopping trip. New pillows (not for you Pilot!!) and a few decorative touches for April's visit, lots of returning things that didn't work/fit (so satisfying). We were totally beat after all this so dinner at our favorite Mexican place in Durham before home to Hulu and crash.

Sunday: Trent was fairly out of commission, having caught my cold and hurt his back hauling all that dirt the day before. While he rested and studied, I went on a crazy inside cleaning spree/panic attack. Dust bunnies are my nemesis! And they are everywhere! Donated tons of stuff, Trent is selling a whole other pile of things, trying to pare our stuff down. It felt great to have a sparkling clean house. Cooked a giant pasta with lots of veggies for our lunches for the rest of the week, while watching UNC play Kentucky in the Elite Eight. We had so much heart, I was really impressed, but we didn't prevail. Next year!

Nice phone conversation with Sheila (they just found out baby #2 is a girl, and totally healthy, hooray!!), a quick dash to lab and grocery store and then Stephen and Amanda picked us up for a dinner out. We tried to go to pho, thinking we could make it extra spicy to encourage Baby Frazong, but it was closed so we ended up with Mediterranean. She is feeling good, finally sleeping better and fairly resigned to the fact that baby will come when he is ready, but now Stephen is so anxious and ready! Her official due date is this Friday, doctor's appointment on Wednesday to see if any progress has been made. Exciting.

They dropped us off and we climbed into our super clean bed and slept great.

Busy week ahead, lots of meetings with boss about the manuscript (I overheard him talking about it with "Prof I Came To UNC For" and felt so nervous the entire conversation, even though it was pretty positive. I felt like they were judging my child! This process is going to be stressful for me!), and then I fly out Thursday for the LUNA Chix Summit in San Francisco. It will be great to see sister and hopefully my good friend Stacey, who is just weeks away from meeting her baby boy too!

Happy week to you all.

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